Getting Your Coalition in Alignment
The CES Coalition Framework
Level 2
It’s that time of year for many of us.
The baking, cooking, eating time of year.
This Thanksgiving, I didn’t delegate like I should have. Normally I start 3 days before the big feast. But, this year, I found myself way behind, baking my pies the night before.
In the past few years, I’ve been working on my crust. I had a complete fail this year and sent my hubbie to pick up Pillsbury pre-made cheat crust.
Eventually I managed a yummy pecan-chocolate-bourbon pie, mini-pumpkin cheesecakes, and a pumpkin pie.
Everyone enjoyed dessert and loved the little cheesecakes. No one said a word about my pumpkin pie. The next day, I enjoyed leftovers and Oh my, I must have forgotten the sugar because that pumpkin pie was awful and no one said a word!
Pumpkin Pie
Ah, the details. Baking is all about the details.
Can you relate?
Often, it’s the details of our work that serve as the foundation for success. For those of us who work with coalitions, that is especially true. Details such as establishing by-laws, developing roles and responsibilities, setting up workgroups etc., are the important detail work that no one likes to do. But if coalitions are to be successful, that detailed work is critical.
That is why “Align” is the second level of my Coalition Framework.
Are you a coalition or a collaborative leader struggling to get traction? Or maybe you are an evaluator who works with coalitions. My new Coalition Assessment Tool can help focus your work and get you moving towards success. Let me know where your coalition struggles.
P.S. I have some great guests scheduled for my podcast. Look for a few more episodes this year and more guests in 2023. In the meantime, get caught up and inspired by past guests! Please be sure to let me know if you know of any community leaders whose story should be shared.
Are you a coalition or a collaborative leader struggling to get traction? Or maybe you are an evaluator who works with coalitions. My new Coalition Assessment Tool can help focus your work and get you moving towards success.
Let me know where your coalition struggles.