Peas and Greens

2020 Goals.jpg


Peas and Greens.

Black-eyed peas and either turnip greens or collard greens. That is what we eat in the south for New Year’s Day. When I was a kid, I HATED the traditional New Year’s Day Food. Now I make it every year without fail. Those family traditions are deeply engrained.

I am not superstitious, but no way was I going to take a chance this year!

Like many of you, I am breathing a sigh of relief to have 2020 gone and done with. I hope we can take the good (lessons about equity and justice) and act on them, and leave all the rest (too much to list here - but you know what I mean). 

Last year, my staff and I identified our goals for the year. I am not a big fan of resolutions, but I like the idea of setting intentions. This picture shows you my 2020 intentions. You know what they say about if you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans…… The trip to Banff never happened. Self-care, joy, and living in the moment were present. Sometimes.

As we enter the new year, we probably all look forward to being able to travel and go to restaurants and movies again. Certainly, the vaccine is probably at the top of all of our lists!

For me, I intend to live and work more intentionally. At CES, our mission is social change. Evaluation is how accomplish our mission. To that end there are big changes coming. Look for our new website coming soon; my new podcast “Community Possibilities;” new online classes on evaluation for non-evaluators; continued office hours twice per month and new uploads to my YouTube Channel; and more collaboration with fellow evaluators.

I would love to hear about what you are hopeful for in 2021!


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