Six Things Nonprofits and Community Organizations Need to Know About Advocacy

  1. Government can and should do more to improve community well-being. Nonprofits, as many as we have in the US, even with the support of large Foundations, can’t do what Governments can to change social and health disparities.

  2. Advocacy is an important tactic to achieve policies that improve people’s lives. Communities can obtain the resources that they need to build better lives for everyone, but only if they demand it.

  3. Get Involved. Even if like me, your time is very limited, you can and should advocate on issues that you’re passionate and knowledgeable about.

  4. Advocacy is most effective when led by affected communities. They are truly the experts! If you are a nonprofit or service provider or a funder, your support to community members won’t be effective or even relevant without community voice.

  5. Connecting with your local elected officials is important. Nonprofits can speak to their local leaders, and they want input from community members and service providers. Connecting with your elected officials creates a relationship and together, with other folks, can create momentum for the change you want. If you are a nonprofit unsure of what you can do or need training, Kathleen recommends Bolder Advocacy, a program of Alliance for Justice.

  6. Community organizations can measure the change they are creating, to improve their advocacy. CES is committed to helping community nonprofits and coalitions design, implement and measure their outcomes.

How are you using advocacy as a community change strategy? What other questions do you have about advocacy?

Take care-


P.S. Link to the podcast is here.

P.S.S. Shoot me an email if you know someone that would be a great guest.


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