Hey Community Leader: Create a New Vision for Your Community

“Vision without action is merely a dream.” - Joel Barker

Did you know that there are more than 1.6 million nonprofits in the United States, all competing for resources? Maybe that is one reason there is an increasing emphasis and a push for “Collective Impact,” “Results-based accountability.” 

In my 20+ years of experience, I can guarantee this: Individual programs are not enough the change a community

Aiming at low-hanging fruit, like increasing “community awareness” is a short-term goal, not a community-level outcome that indicates real community change. 

Hey community and nonprofit leader, like I tell my kids, “Dream Big!”

I know the work is hard. I know you may be tired. I am too. 

But if we really want to change our communities for the better, what choice do we have?

How do you create that big, bold vision, that will rally the troops?

Develop a strategic, data-driven approach that focuses on systems change and engages the entire community. I have worked with a lot of community coalitions and collaboratives over the years, and I promise, this approach works.

So, step up, and step out fearless leader. Be bold and aim for the stars. 

Know a #nonprofit or #coalition leader that needs help getting started? Is that you? Join my new office hours just for them. “Ask Me Anything” office hours begin April 13th at 12 PM EST. Bring your questions about all things #eval #strategy or whatever is on your mind. Registration is required. https://bit.ly/3JgMN0e.

Take Care-


P.S. Curious about how we can learn to talk to each other and create a community-wide vision? Me too! Join me for a new episode of Community Possibilities, out tomorrow. I am joined by Marisa Rinkus of the Toolbox Dialogue Initiative.


Using Appreciative Inquiry to Engage Your Community


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