How to Improve those Coalition Conversations
Smiling coalition member Pexels-Jopwell
What is going on in your world this week? Hope this finds you making those big changes in your community.
The truth is change happens slowly. Steven Covey is credited for saying, "Change happens at the speed of trust."
What are you doing to create that trust in your community? I would love to hear about it. On a recent podcast , Crystal Atson of the Ford Family Foundation talked about how the foundation works with communities exactly where they are. They don't tell the community what they need. What a refreshing approach, right?
Like a highway, communication literally goes both ways. There is a back-and-forth exchange.
This week, maybe reflect on where there are opportunities for rich conversation within your community coalition or organization.
Fair warning, deep listening can be hard.
My husband will be the first one to admit he has a hard time listening. He immediately wants to jump in and "fix things."
Here are some best practices to help you get started:
· Assessing your membership - does it include the people you most want to serve?
· Assuring your meeting is not just "meet and talk" by including an interactive component - perhaps a visioning activity, an asset map, a data walk, or a facilitated discussion. ( Reach out to me if you need help with this).
· Have some fun. Maybe try a communication game .
· Schedule 1-1 time with community members, especially those who can't or aren't attending your formal meetings. Be sure you listen, more than you talk.
· Keep your eye on the prize. Make sure everyone helps design that strategic plan, your logic model or theory of change. Then keep it and your mission statement front and center. Talk about how you are doing to reach your goals.
· Use social media. It's free!